A novel high-gain quasi-Yagi antenna with a parabolic reflector
- Z. HuaGu HaichuanL. HongmeiLiu BeijiaLiu GuanjunWu Qun
- 1 November 2015
Engineering, Physics
The simplicity and intuitive design of traditional planar printed quasi-Yagi antennas has led to its widespread popularity for its good directivity. In this paper, a novel quasi-Yagi antenna with a…
Array antenna pattern synthesis method based on intelligent algorithm
- Zhang HeZ. HuaL. HongmeiLiu BeijiaWu Qun
- 1 August 2016
Computer Science, Engineering
The paper introduced the basic theories of intelligent algorithms, equally spaced linear antenna array and antenna pattern synthesis principle, also introduced the related omni-directional antenna.…
A high-gain planar dual reflector antenna
- Z. HuaZhang HeLin ShuL. HongmeiLiu BeijiaWu Qun
- 1 October 2016
Engineering, Physics
A high-gain planar antenna model is proposed in this article. The dual reflector function is attained by using metalized via-holes as the reflector with the shape of hyperbola and parabola. The…
A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded dielectric-metal composite lens in ka band
- Z. HuaChen YueLin ShuLiu BeijiaL. HongmeiWu Qun
- 1 October 2016
Engineering, Physics
A printed H-plane horn antenna with loaded composite £-plane metal lens in Ka band is proposed and analyzed in this paper. The horn antenna is utilizing the Substrate Integrated Waveguide technique,…