Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Roles of NO, cGK, and RhoA in Long-Lasting Potentiation and Aggregation of Synaptic Proteins
- Hong-Gang WangF. Lu I. Antonova
- 3 February 2005
Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes for studies of cardiac ion transporters.
- Michael FineF. LuMei-Jung LinO. MoeHao-Ran WangD. Hilgemann
- 1 September 2013
Medicine, Biology
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Large increases of Cm occur during Ca influx via NCX1, thereby documenting large internal membrane reserves that can fuse to the sarcolemma, and subsequent declines of CM document active endocytic processes, as well as describing Ca influx-dependent changes of iCell Cardiomyocyte capacitance.
Modes of propagation of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cells.
The results suggest that CICR activated by Ca2+ entry or caffeine occurs predominantly in the submembrane region causing an inwardly spreading Ca 2+ wave or [Ca2+]i oscillations, and that the nuclear envelope can cause CICC in the nucleoplasm, which is delayed due to Ca2- diffusion barrier at the nuclear pores.
Presynaptic and postsynaptic Ca(2+) and CamKII contribute to long-term potentiation at synapses between individual CA3 neurons.
- F. LuR. Hawkins
- 14 March 2006
CA3-CA3 LTP completely depends on post Synaptic Ca(2+) with the 1-Hz-paired protocol but depends only partially on postsynaptic Ca (2+) or CamKII with the -burst-PAired protocol, suggesting that the additional mechanisms of potentiation, at least in part, are presynaptic.
Profound regulation of Na/K pump activity by transient elevations of cytoplasmic calcium in murine cardiac myocytes
- F. LuChristine DeislD. Hilgemann
- 14 September 2016
Biology, Medicine
Small changes of Na/K pump activity regulate internal Ca release in cardiac myocytes via Na/Ca exchange. We now show conversely that transient elevations of cytoplasmic Ca strongly regulate cardiac…
Involvement of aberrant cyclin‐dependent kinase 5/p25 activity in experimental traumatic brain injury
- M. A. YousufChunfeng Tan J. Bibb
- 1 July 2016
It is shown that mice subjected to controlled cortical impact (CCI), a well‐established experimental TBI model, exhibit increased p25 levels and consistently elevated Cdk5‐dependent phosphorylation of microtubule‐associated protein tau and retinoblastoma protein in hippocampal lysates and that CCI attenuated excitatory post‐synaptic potential field responses in the hippocampal CA3‐CA1 pathway 24 h after injury.
Dopamine modulates an intrinsic mGluR5-mediated depolarization underlying prefrontal persistent activity
- K. SidiropoulouF. Lu Donald C. Cooper
- 25 January 2009
Biology, Medicine
It is proposed that burst-evoked intrinsic depolarization is a form of short-term cellular memory that is modulated by dopamine and cocaine experience.
Rapid and Long-Lasting Increase in Sites for Synapse Assembly during Late-Phase Potentiation in Rat Hippocampal Neurons
- I. AntonovaF. LuL. ZablowH. UdoR. Hawkins
- 6 November 2009
Examination of changes in pre- and postsynaptic puncta and structures during glutamate-induced late-phase potentiation in cultured hippocampal neurons finds new sites could contribute to the transition between the early and late phase mechanisms of plasticity by serving as seeds for the formation and maintenance of new synapses, thus acting as local “tags” for protein synthesis-dependent synaptic growth during late- phase plasticity.
Use-Dependent Sensitization of Acetylcholine Channel Currents via Ca/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase II in Cultured Rat Sympathetic Neurones
- T. ShirasakiC. LiuF. LuK. Kuba
- 2000
This work reports here a more simplified form of synaptic plasticity in cultured rat sympathetic neurones that enhances the opening of their own channels via the activation of Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII).