Classification of oil spill by thicknesses using multiple remote sensors
- O. Garcia-PinedaG. Staples Francisco Haces-Garcia
- 2020
Environmental Science, Engineering
Classification of Oil Spill Thicknesses Using Multispectral UAS And Satellite Remote Sensing for Oil Spill Response
- O. Garcia-PinedaChuanmin Hu E. Ramirez
- 1 July 2019
Environmental Science, Engineering
A proof-of-concept test using multispectral UAS data to detect emulsions and deliver a derived information product to a vessel in near-real-time sheds light on how UAS assets could be used in the near future for oil spill tactical response operations.
Satellite Detection of Ghost Nets and Plastic Debris in Pacific Atolls
- Y. LingL. Biermann D. Streett
- 3 March 2021
Environmental Science
Since 2014, the NOAA Satellite Analysis Branch has used high resolution optical satellite imagery in an effort to detect ghost nets (derelict fishing gear) and other large plastic debris in the…
Spectral target detection for detecting and characterizing floating marine debris
- T. HarrisD. Streett B. Kamphaus
- 1 December 2012
Environmental Science, Engineering
Measuring oil residence time with GPS-drifters, satellites, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
- O. Garcia-PinedaY. Androulidakis L. DiPinto
- 13 November 2019
Environmental Science, Engineering
The Federal Oil Spill Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing (FOSTERRS)
- T. StoughC. E. Jones D. Streett
- 15 December 2014
Environmental Science
Oil spills cause significant to devastating ecological, economic, and societal damage, requiring years to decades for recovery. In cases of floods such as those associated with Hurricane Katrina,…
Measurement of floating oil layer thicknesses at the Santa Barbara seeps in California to support interpretation of satellite imagery
- O. Garcia-PinedaF. Monaldo G. Staples
- 3 March 2021
Environmental Science
<p>The offshore natural oil seeps along the California coast near Santa Barbara are a natural testing site for the calibration of remote sensing systems aimed at the detection of oil spills. The main…